February 19, 2024
Indonesia is a multicultural country with diverse ethnicities, cultures, and religions, leading to a wealth of cultural creations, knowledge, and traditions. Where such creations, knowledge, and traditions are owned by a certain community and have become part of the identity of that community, they may be protected by Indonesian law as communal intellectual property. One type of communal intellectual property is traditional knowledge. A well-known example is a form of martial arts known as pencak silat. This martial art was traditionally performed when welcoming guests, usually accompanied by gondang borogong music, and is registered as traditional knowledge from Riau, Indonesia. New Regulation on Communal Intellectual Property Traditional knowledge used to be regulated by a number of laws, including three separate ones on copyright, patents, and cultural advancement. However, in December 2022, the Indonesian government issued Government Regulation No. 56 of 2022 on Communal Intellectual Property (“GR 56/2022”), establishing a single set of rules for the definition and protection of traditional knowledge. One of the aims of the regulation is to encourage the registration of communal intellectual property, which was part of the government’s priority program for 2023. Under GR 56/2022, traditional knowledge is defined as ideas and concepts that contain local values resulting from real experiences of interacting with the environment and that are developed continuously and passed on to the next generation. The regulation recognizes the following categories of traditional knowledge: Traditional methods or processes; Technical proficiency; Skills; Learning; Agricultural knowledge; Technical knowledge; Ecological knowledge; Knowledge related to genetic resources; Knowledge of medicine, traditional medicine, and healing procedures; Economic systems; Social organization systems; Knowledge related to the behavior of nature and the universe; and Other forms of knowledge. Traditional knowledge is a moral right belonging to the community, requiring any user of the traditional knowledge to acknowledge its