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April 23, 2011

Darani Vachanavuttivong Recognized as a Leading Lawyer

Legal Media Group

Our Darani Vachanavuttivong, Co-Managing Partner and Managing Director, Intellectual Property, is currently recognized in the following Expert Guides published by the Legal Media Group:

  • Guide to the World’s Leading Emerging Markets Practitioners (Trade Mark);    
  • Guide to the World’s Leading Patent Law Practitioners (since 2005);
  • Guide to the World’s Leading Trade Mark Law Practitioners (since 2004); and  
  • Guide to the World’s Leading Women in Business Law (Trade Mark).    

Legal Media Group’s Expert Guides are updated every two years. The research process involves sending over 4,000 questionnaires to senior practitioners or in-house counsel involved in each practice area in more than 60 jurisdictions, asking them to nominate leading practitioners. The results are analyzed and screened for firm, network, and alliance bias. The list of experts is then discussed and refined with advisers in legal centers worldwide. The methodology ensures that only lawyers with independent nominations for excellence appear in the guides.

To read more about Darani’s recognition, access the Expert Guides online.