On October 15-18, 2012, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), together with the ASEAN Secretariat, will organize an ASEAN Regional Program. The Program, “Patent (From A to Z) Protection, Licensing, and Enforcement” will be held in Bangkok and attended by representatives from intellectual property offices throughout Southeast Asia.
On Day 3 of the program, Siraprapha Rungpry, consultant in the Tilleke & Gibbins intellectual property team, will conduct a presentation on “Patent Infringement Analysis: What, Who, Why, How?”. Tilleke & Gibbins will also be represented at the event by Alan Adcock, partner, who has been invited to speak about “Patent Infringement – Out of Court Process, Cease and Desist Letter, Settlement, and Licensing.”
The Program will cover a host of issues and topics relating to legislation in the United States (such as the America Invents Act (AIA)), patent protection and processes in both regions, the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), initiatives by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), future patent enforcement and infringement, valuation, commercialization, and licensing in ASEAN.