Contributing to Thailand’s challenging environment for intellectual property enforcement, it is quite common for live music venues, broadcasters, and other establishments to play copyrighted songs without first having obtained the right do so. In other countries, this right is usually obtained by paying a fee. In Thailand, this type of enforcement is yet to be seen, until recently. GMM Grammy, a Thai publisher, is now preparing lawsuits to collect performance fees of up to $7,600 a year.
Suebsiri Taweepon, a senior associate at Tilleke & Gibbins specializing in intellectual property, was asked for his views on the copyright infringement situation in Thailand by The Wall Street Journal, and his comments were featured in a recent article. “Thailand is moving on from being an infringer to a victim,” Suebsiri said. The litigiousness shown by GMM Grammy demonstrates how Thailand’s economy is becoming more sophisticated.
The Wall Street Journal is an American daily newspaper published both on the Internet and in print. If you would like to read the entire article, please visit The Wall Street Journal website.