The 6th edition of The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Patents provides practical cross-border insight into patent law across 34 jurisdictions. The Thailand chapter of the guide was coauthored by Nandana Indananda, partner, and Siraprapha Rungpry, consultant, in Tilleke & Gibbins’ intellectual property group.
The Thailand chapter covers enforcing a patent against an infringer; patent invalidity; pretrial considerations; presenting arguments and evidence at trial; specialist judges or hearing officers; disclosure of documents or materials; liability as a secondary infringer; infringement of process patents; nonliteral equivalents; preliminary and final judgments; estimating damages; forms of relief; time-barring claims of patent infringement; right of appeal from a first instance judgment; typical costs of proceedings; patent amendment; laws that limit the terms of a patent license; compulsory licenses; patentable subject matter; duty to disclose prejudicial prior disclosure or documents; oppositions; appealing a decision of the Patent Office; disputes over entitlement to priority and ownership of inventions; grace periods; term of a patent; and current developments.
This article appeared in the 2016 edition of The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Patents, published by Global Legal Group Ltd, London.