September 30, 2019
Hani Wulanhandari Quoted by Asia IP on Online Copyright Infringement in Indonesia
Asia IP

Hani Wulanhandari, an intellectual property (IP) professional in Tilleke & Gibbins’ Jakarta office, which operates as an IP boutique in Indonesia, recently shared her expertise on copyright infringement through social media channels in Indonesia for the August 2019 issue of Asia IP .

In discussing the complexities that online copyright infringement brings, Hani stated “[e]nforcement against copyright infringement on social media can be made more difficult by not having the physical address of in the infringer, which may prevent the case from proceeding.”  In addition, “[t]here is no specific regulation addressing copyright infringement on social media or other online platforms such as e-commerce sites,” making copyright enforcement in Indonesia quite complex. However, despite the lack of specific regulations against online copyright infringement, Hani has seen the government take action in certain situations, although “those actions have been limited to preventing illegal streaming.”

Asia IP  is published by the Apex Asia Media Group, an independent publisher in Hong Kong. The publication aims to be a valuable source of Asia-specific IP intelligence and updates for IP owners and legal professionals to stay ahead of the curve.

To read the full issue, please visit the Asia IP  website.

Related Professional
Hani Wulanhandari
+6221 2971 8088