November 19, 2018
2018 Asia IP Awards: Tilleke & Gibbins Walks Away with Four Country Awards
Asia IP

Tilleke & Gibbins’ intellectual property practices across four jurisdictions were recognized at the 2018 Asia IP  Awards for their exceptional work over the past year.

The full list of Tilleke & Gibbins’ awards is as follows:

  • Cambodia: IP Firm of the Year
  • Indonesia: Copyright Firm of the Year
  • Thailand: Patents Firm of the Year
  • Vietnam: Patents Firm of the Year

The annual Asia IP  Awards ceremony was held on November 16 in New Delhi, India, recognizing and awarding law firms in Asia-Pacific jurisdictions for their dedication to, and practice of, intellectual property. In total, 46 firms from 19 jurisdictions throughout the region were awarded. Winners are determined through a poll of over 5,000 in-house counsel from Asia, Europe, and the Americas.

To see the full list of winners, visit Asia IP ’s website.