January 16, 2018
Tilleke & Gibbins Signs Anti-Corruption Memorandum with Cambodian Government
Phnom Penh Post

On January 15, 2018, Tilleke & Gibbins signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Cambodian government’s Anti-Corruption Unit (ACU), under which Tilleke & Gibbins agrees to continue its existing internal anti-corruption practices, including staff training, prohibition of corrupt practices, and maintaining a code of ethics compliant with Cambodian law. 

In addition, under the MOU Tilleke & Gibbins and its clients may, at their discretion and after considering all applicable law, choose to inform the ACU of any solicitations for improper payments received from government officials. In turn, the ACU agrees to investigate any such solicitations. This process, if requested, can be carried out on a confidential basis. 

The MOU was signed alongside ride-hailing company Grab, who signed a similar MOU. Darani Vachanavuttivong, co-managing partner at Tilleke & Gibbins, attended the event, at which Mr. Khaeng Seng, vice president of the ACU, noted “[t]hese companies clearly have a strong will to fight against corruption, and [are] now protected by the law.”

The MOU reinforces Tilleke & Gibbins’ firm-wide zero-tolerance policy on corruption, which is especially crucial in jurisdictions like Cambodia where corruption and bribery remain major issues. Tilleke & Gibbins is one of the first professional services firms in Cambodia to sign this kind of MOU—a significant development, given the role professional services firms play in relations between companies, the general public, and government entities.

The signing was covered by the Phnom Penh Post, whose article is available on their website.

For more information on Tilleke & Gibbins’ anti-corruption policies and code of ethics, please contact Andrew Stoutley, chief operating officer, at [email protected].