July 3, 2013
The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Pharmaceutical Advertising 2013 – Vietnam Chapter
Global Legal Group

Pharmaceutical marketing is the term used to describe the business of promoting the sale of drugs or medicine. Due to the nature of pharmaceuticals and the potential impact that marketing could have on both patients and the health care profession, many countries have restrictions in place that limit advertising by pharmaceutical companies. One country that heavily regulates such practices is Vietnam; not only does it regulate advertisements in general, but it has a number of laws that specifically target advertisements in the health care sector.

In order to keep you up to date with the most recent changes to pharmaceutical advertising in Vietnam, Tilleke & Gibbins brings you the latest edition of its Vietnam chapter in The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Pharmaceutical Advertising 2013. The chapter covers the following areas:

  • Medicinal Products in General: Laws and codes of practice governing the advertising of medicinal products in Vietnam, definition of advertising, regulatory or industry authorities involved in the advertisement approval process, and penalties for failing to comply with the legislation.
  • Providing Information Prior to Authorization of Medicinal Products: Published requirements and limitations.
  • Advertisements to Health Professionals: Mandatory information to appear on advertisements directed to health professionals, restrictions on advertised information, rules governing comparative advertisements, and the status of “teaser” advertisements.
  • Gifts and Financial Incentives: Samples of products given to health professionals, gifts and donations to medical practitioners or institutions, and sponsorships by pharmaceutical companies.
  • Hospitality and Related Payments: Offering hospitality to health professionals, payments to doctors to provide expert services, and post-marketing surveillance studies.
  • Advertising to the General Public: Advertising prescription and non-prescription medicines to the general public, restrictions, disease awareness campaigns , and the rules governing press releases of prescription-only medicines to non-scientific journals.
  • Laws Relating to the Internet: Regulations on internet advertising, regulation success thus far, rules governing the content of independent websites that can be accessed using links from a company sponsored site, and any related liabilities.
  • Developments in Pharmaceutical Advertising: Significant developments in relation to pharmaceutical advertising such as Governmental Decree 93/2011/ND-CP, imminent developments in the field, and enforcement trends that have surfaced over the past year.

This article appeared in the 2013 edition of The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Pharmaceutical Advertising; published by Global Legal Group Ltd., London. www.iclg.co.uk

Dzung Nguyen
+84 4 3772 5586
Tu Ngoc Trinh
+84 24 3772 5556