April 30, 2011
Product Labels Are More than Just Stickers
Bangkok Post, Corporate Counsellor Column

Recent scandals, particularly the one involving melamine-tainted milk from China, have impacted consumer awareness in a big way, making consumers pay more attention to the quality and safety of the products they purchase. This is particularly true for products that are ingested, such as food and beverages. In Thailand, these products must first receive approval from the Food and Drug Administration in the case of food and drugs, and the Excise Department in the case of alcoholic beverages, before launching in the market. The labels of these goods must contain certain information intended to protect consumers. By being aware of this labeling information, consumers will be in a position to differentiate between real products imported through authorized channels and fakes that may be harmful to their health.

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Clemence Gautier
+66 2653 5870